Imagina is an image viewer that not only allows you to view picture, but also to modify images. It allows you view images in 2D or 3D modes. When viewing images, you can browse them one by one or watch them consecutively and automatically, in a slideshow.
One of the great things about Imagina is that it lets you edit images and helps you create an enhanced photo album. You can resize or crop photos, or go further with the picture editing and change their brightness, contrast and color. You can add effects such as sepia, black&white, or use filters so you can make the photos look smoother. Imagina also provides you with auto contrast and auto exposure features that make your photos look nicer in a quick and easy way.
In the "Proprieties" box you will find such information about the picture as the day when it was taken, the day when it was modified, information about the place where it was taken and with what model of camera.
Furthermore, Imagina allows you to duplicate an image, to revert all changes made in the picture, to delete it, rename it, set it as desktop background, and so on.
If you need an easy way to view and modify your photos, then Imagina is the program you need.